Long Term Effects Of Domestic Violence Essay

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Domestic violence is the behavior pattern that involves violence or any type of abuse by one person against another in a relationship. It is more common for a woman to be a victim in this dangerous situation but there are some men that are victims as well. This dangerous act can cause so many possible long term effects like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), low self-esteem and depression. A post-traumatic stress disorder is disorder characterized by failure to recover from experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. As a witness I suffer from this disorder; I have dreams, flashbacks and I have anxiety. I have dreams of my sister’s father beating on our mother while she was pregnant with my sister. I would wake up crying thinking it was happening all over again. I can be in a store and hear a couple arguing and I will have a flashback of all the yelling they would do back and forth. Studies say that “It’s the emotional component of domestic violence that leads to a chronic state of PTSD” (Dr. Babble, Susanne). Being abused by a loved one that you should be able to trust leads victims to feel …show more content…

Victims tend to think they are not good enough for anyone they come across with. A counsellor by the name of Dr. Howarth talks about her sessions with female survivors of domestic violence and what she has come to the conclusion about self-esteem. In her article “How an Abusive Relationship Can Impact Your Self-Esteem & Self-Image” she explains that if we allow our partners to talk down on us or makes you think twice about certain things that can damage our self-esteem and self-image. She says that when the person who is doing all the abusing and shaming will later on in that day or week profess love, support and kindness but will try to sneak in how no one will ever love you and put you at fault. No one should have to go through a relationship that makes you second guess about

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