Loneliness In Rappaccini's Daughter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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The Psychology Dictionary defines loneliness as “a sometimes long lasting feeling having no alternative to turn to in times of distress and depression. Generally classes as a period of heightened cognitive discomfort and uneasiness from being oneself“ (Psychology Dictionary1). Nathaniel Hawthorne’s works such as “Rappaccini's Daughter,”“Ethan Brand,” and “Young Goodman Brown” have characters, that embody the definition of loneliness. It is clear these short stories have lonely characters that have hit rock bottom. Not only are the characters in these stories lonely, but they are insane as well. In each of short stories, Hawthorne shows that the state of being lonely causes the characters to become insane. In “Rappaccini's Daughter,” Dr.Rappaccini is visibly the most insane character. He is described as, “But as for Rappaccini, it is said of him-and I know the man well, can answer for its truth that he cares infinitely more for science than mankind” (Hawthorne, “Rappaccini’s Daughter” 4). Dr. Rappaccini cares …show more content…

As Bartram says “ I can tell you, the good folk still talk about Ethan Brand, in the village yonder, and what a strange errand took him away from his line-kiln” (Hawthorne's, “Ethan Brand” 3). “...there was always something special even unique within Brand (the “solitary” and meditative” limeburner) that led him to his search and is till evident in Brand when he returns to Graylock” (Harris 1). Ethan Brand has always confused everyone. He has always kept everything to himself. So that causes no one to understand his motive for leaving the village. It just does not make great deal of sense, to the people why he would leave society for seeking to find something that may or may not exist. While people were confused by the departure of Ethan Brand, they are even more confused by his later

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