Living With Technology: A Tethered Life By Sherry Turkle

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Living with Technology
“Hello, are you there?” Yes, I’m here living in the technologically advance year of 2017. Yeah 2017 years seems a lot and at the same time it doesn’t. iPhones, MacBook’s, PC’s, Xbox and so much more have infested the world we live in. In Sherry Turkle’s “A Tethered Life” she states that today’s youth is living “a fully tethered life.” I am what Sherry Turkle described as somebody who’s tethered. But I do know people who are not as Turkle described at all. My 12-year-old half-sister, Ariana, is the perfect example of what Sherry Turkle is talking about. Ariana knows just about as much as I do when it comes to my iPhone. She is always on it. Technology to me has always been there for my sister and I. I feel like therefore we are like the students Sherry interviewed Maury, of the students interviewed, said “I need to know who wanted to …show more content…

She is the person that really is not tethered to electronics. She doesn’t need the phone which is just so hard to me. I wish I could be more like her and be able to drop the phone and not worry about it but the way I grew up I took a great liking for the internet and technology and I just cannot image my life without my phone. I don’t think that I could do that. I still find ways to start new streaks with new people all the time. I love communicating with people but I feel like it’s easier to do it through my cell phone. “Are you still there?” I sure hope so. Technology has affected us all so much. Eventually it won’t matter and kids will be getting cell phone and going on the internet at the age of 7. Sherry Turkle made a wonderful point by saying we are tethered to technology but I feel its just something you grow up with currently. My sister and I are huge electronic users but my friend Madison isn’t. They’re no real reason why we are so absorbed in using our phones or electronics but it

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