Liver Flush Narrative Report

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*Warning: graphic detail of my experience on a liver flush is shared here.

A few months ago I visited the dermatologist after eight months of suffering with what seemed like acne on my face, neck, and back, as well as psoriasis on the back of my scalp. I’m a strong believer in the connection between mind and body so I knew that the onset of this was related to what was going on in my life though I still couldn’t seem to get rid of it. On the day of my appointment, I was watching YouTube as I was getting ready and one of Teal Swan’s videos began to play through autoplay; How to Cure Acne. She began talking about the most effective way to physically clear acne with Andreas Moritz liver and gallbladder flush. I gave it some thought, but continued on to my appointment. Sitting in the chair my dermatologist told me that I had rosacea. She recommended that I stop using my current facial wash (before the age of 21 I never used facial cleaners, only water; as it turns out this is all my skin needs) …show more content…

I waited to eat until noon (about five hours after waking). On this morning and into the afternoon you will have watery bowel movements with stones. I didn’t realize I was passing stones until very late in the day. I could feel pebble like things coming out of me but when I looked in the toilet I didn’t see any green stones and figured it wasn’t working for some reason. Not until later in the day did I realize I was expelling stones but they were the tan and black kind that sink because they’re full of heavier toxins. I didn’t take a picture of my stones because I felt that a description will suffice and I wasn’t too keen on collecting the stones by siving my bowel movements. I was also shocked to realize that I had passed some very small red parasites. Apparently these can grow for a number of reasons, including eating uncooked fish, plants, or animals that live near fresh

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