Live From Tomorrow Gilbert

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Everybody on the planet has their own personal struggles. Whether that’s a life-threatening situation or something that may make only a minor impact, we all have something that’s on our minds a lot of the time that can instantly bring our mood down. As humans, we’re desperate to escape from all the grief that fills our brains and we’ll do whatever it takes to relieve such pain. Growing up, something I struggled with the most was my ability to fit in. My main concern was to feel liked and to be approved by others. I believed that if I did what everyone else did, dressed like everyone else dressed, and acted like everyone else acted, I would be accepted by my peers. I craved that feeling of joy I witnessed in fellow classmates who were liked …show more content…

There is an abundance amount of various beliefs that many have assumed to be true, despite their actual accuracy. For example, he talks about a common misconception about how children are known to bring everyone joy: “...although parenting has many rewarding moments, the vast majority of its moments involve dull and selfless service to people who will take decades to become even begrudgingly grateful for what we are doing” (176). Gilbert makes a great point here and has made the readers aware of how many false beliefs there are that exist today. It may be said that children are bound to bring you a lifetime of happiness, and as that may apply to some, it is not necessarily true for everybody who has kids. This is not the only untrue belief that is common for people to misinterpret. Whether it’s the expected feeling of freedom when you finally receive your driver’s license, the instant feeling of adulthood when you graduate from high school, or the exhilarating moment when you get hired for a job for the first time. There are multiple beliefs that are said to be true by many but realistically don’t always end up being that accurate. Although it may be disappointing to live through a situation where you assumed that one of these misconceptions was true, it can also teach you an eye-opening lesson that what society claims to bring you happiness may not actually do

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