Little Rock Nine Thesis

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Although Brown vs Board of Education desegregated schools, the integration process did not begin until three years later in 1957 at Little Rock, Arkansas. There, nine brave high schoolers brought social and ethical change to the town by becoming the first African Americans to go an all-white school. This is a children’s story based on the real life events of the Little Rock Nine. This adaption is to show the segregation in schools and how wrong and immoral it was. We include many references and experiences throughout the story inspired by newspaper articles and other primary and secondary sources. This story shows what a big factor skin color was in the 1950’s, expressed through different panda colors. Even as young teenagers just going to high school, the Little Rock Nine were treated poorly. This story is expressed in a child-like perspective of the events that took place. It will help younger readers empathize with the situation, the challenges, and the courage it took for the Little Rock Nine to get through these events. We hope in reading this story, readers will discover much that is thought-provoking, inspiring, and powerful. …show more content…

The Little Rock Nine consisted of: Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Thelma Mothershed, Melba Pattillo, Gloria Ray, Terrence Roberts, Jefferson Thomas, and Carlotta Walls. These heroes, are a great example of what it is to stand up for yourself and others. The next time you are upset because someone made fun of you and your outfit, just remember that these kids were made fun of everyday, and stuck through it, trying to prove that they belonged in that school no matter what some foul-mouth people

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