Litter Box Case Study

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What To Do About Litter Box Accidents

There is nothing more frustrating and unhygienic to a cat owner than litter box accidents. The fact is, repetitive litter box accidents are the number one reason why cat owners end up giving their cats to an animal shelters. When your cat refuses to use the litter box, there is most often an underlying reason. Don’t give or become exasperated by your cat's inability to make it to the litter box, here are some common causes for this problem.

Litter Box Woes
One of the main reasons why a cat would refuse to use the litter box, is because their litter box is dirty. Many cats are rightfully fussy about the condition of their litter box, while others will use it no matter how full it looks. If your cat has a litter box accident, the first thing you should check is the cleanliness of the litter box. Some cats prefer that …show more content…

Are there enough litter boxes for the amount of cats you have? For example, if you have two cats in your home, and you should have at least one litter box per cat. Cats like to have their privacy, and this is particularly true when it comes to their litter boxes. In fact, most veterinarians recommend that even if you have just one cat, you should have at least two litter boxes for …show more content…

If you have tried all the above tips and nothing seems to be working, then it is time to visit your veterinarian. It’s important to know that cats that have bladder problems, urinary tract infections, kidney failure and or diabetes are more prone to litter box accidents than healthy cats. In this event, you need to take your cat to the vet and have a thorough health examination performed to find out if your cat is suffering around any ailments. When caught in time, your veterinarian can prescribe medication to help your

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