Regret In Emma-Lindsay Squier's Soul Of Caliban

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According to Psychology Today “Regret is a negative cognitive/emotional state that involves blaming ourselves for a bad outcome, feeling a sense of loss or sorrow at what might have been or wishing we could undo a previous choice that we made.” Throughout Emma-Lindsay Squier’s short story, “Soul of Caliban,” it is obvious that assumptions can lead you to regret. One example of assumptions can lead you to regret took place on a sheep farm in Alberta, Canada. Leon Suprenon shot his favorite dog after assuming he killed his baby. Emma- Lindsay Squier marked “A wild scream sent the blood ebbing from Leon’s face and made his hands numb clods of flesh as they fumbled for the gun in his belt.” “You-you devil!” shouted Leon. “There is a grave on the ranch of Leon Suprenon, above it is a tombstone of marble- yes, the whitest marble” (60-65). I think this is a perfect example, because he never checked to make sure Caliban had done it (he assumed he did it). Which moments later lead him into shooting and killing Caliban. He then found out Caliban had saved his baby from a wolf, and he regretted killing him. A white marble tombstone was then placed over his grave in his memory, and Leon’s regret. This moment is a great fit for the theme assumptions can lead you regret. …show more content…

Emma-Lindsay Squier wrote, “Caliban, Leon said sternly. That was not a sportsmanlike thing to do. I am ashamed of you!” “Caliban put his tail between his legs, and slunk down the porch steps” (22-27). Caliban assumed that the kitten was like the other cats he destroyed. Which with this assumption, he tossed the kitten into the air and paralyzed it. Leon was not happy about this and yelled at him. Caliban regretted this action, because he knew that Leon was truly disappointed in him. This is another fit for assumptions can lead you to

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