Lithia Research Paper

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Lithia is the summer solstice that has long been celebrated by people. It is the celebration of the lengthening year. It is the time of more daylight and being able to spend time outdoors and in nature. The sun deity is honored at this time of the year. Listed below are a few of the gods and goddesses from all around that is connected with the summer solstice.

Amaterasu (Shinto)--This solar goddess is the sister of the moon deity and is the storm god of Japan. She is known as the goddess "from which all light comes". Her worshipers love her and in return Amaterasu treats them with love and compassion. In July the people of Japan celebrate her in different ways out in the streets.

Aten (Egypt)-- A god at one point who was an aspect of Ra. But rather than being seen as an anthropomorphic being. Like others of the ancient Egyptian gods he was represented by the disk of the sun with rays of light going outward. …show more content…

Not only to being a sun god he also is the god over music, medicine, and healing. Hestia (Greek)-- Watched over the family and she was given the first offering of any sacrifice made in a home. On the public level the town served as a shrine for her.

Horus (Egyptian)-- One of the solar deities of the ancient Egyptians who rose and sat every day. He is often associated with Nut the sky god, and Horus also became connected with another sun god Ra. Junto (Roman) Juno is also called Juno Luna and is the goddess who blesses women. June is the month named for her and because Juno being the goddess of marriage her month for weddings are popular in June.

Lugh (Celtic)--Known as a god of both skill and distribution of talent. He is also sometimes associated with the midsummer because of him being a god of harvest.
During the summer solstice the crops need to be plucked from the ground at

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