Listerine Repel Mosquitoes Research Paper

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Listerine for Mosquitoes, Does It Work as Bug Spray?

Each year, people all over the place begin their battle against the bugs, especially mosquitos who need blood to reproduce. Most people in warmer, wet climates spend a small fortune each year, trying to figure out how to eliminate these nasty, infection spreading, blood sucking, insects from their home and their lawns. Due to the fact that people hate them so much, there are numerous ideas on possible alternatives to bug spray that are cost effective. Most are things that we have in our homes anyway. For instance, the rumor is that Listerine works to repel mosquitos, but there are many who question whether it is true or false. Does Listerine repel mosquitoes? Here is the truth about Listerine for mosquitos.

A Recipe for Success

When people want to make a Listerine bug spray, it is often recommended that you mix it …show more content…

does Listerine repel mosquitoes

The big question, “Does Listerine keep mosquitos away?” The theory is that the Listerine that most people uses for mouthwash is a great way to repel mosquitos. There are some who say that it works. It stems from the simple fact that eucalyptus is used in mouthwash and it is also used in some other types of mosquito repelling sprays.
As an idea, it is not necessarily wrong. However, mouthwash contains very little true eucalyptus in it. There is just enough in it to give you that little burn and a fresh feeling inside of your mouth. Many of the bug sprays that use eucalyptus, have a much more substantial amount of it in them. There are also many repellants that may use DEET as well, which has been rumored to be harmful to not only insects, but to humans who use it. With any spray that uses DEET, there is a chance that you will have reactions to it. Therefore, it should not be used too often throughout the day. This is perhaps one of the main reasons people opt to try and find other alternatives to bug spray.

How effective is

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