Limo The Giant

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In the short story “Tselane and the Giant” Limo was a mean giant in a small valley where everyone was afraid of him. He would go into their huts and take their cattle and sometimes even take people and eat them. This caused everyone to move away into a different valley, except for one girl, Tselane. Limo the giant is the main antagonist of this story, he gives off traits such as being feared by the valley, being mean and not taking no for an answer. Since the beginning everyone in the valley knew that Limo was very mean. Not only did the people of the valley fear him, but dogs did as well. The storyteller states,“The yelping of the dogs stopped as soon as they heard his dreadful bellowed.”, and “He killed their cattle and sheep and even the people themselves with his great axe.” (44) This proves that Limo was a very mean person, because he would go into people’s huts and take their things. Limo is constantly mean throughout the story, which causes many of the villagers to leave the valley to escape from him. This put Limo into a state of starvation because he hasn’t been able to eat anybody. This causes him to go to a search for food, when he remembered that Tselane lived in the valley still, so he tries to go and capture her. …show more content…

This caused Tselane and her mother to have to come up with precautions in order for Tselane’s mother to be allowed into her hut. “Tselane my child, Tselane my child. Open the door my child, open the door my child; I’ve brought bread to eat, Tselane my child. (pg.45). This was a secret password for Tselane and her mother to use so Tselane would know that it wasn’t Limo trying to get into the hut. They use a secret little message, so that Tselane knows not to open the door to anyone else, because Limo was in the same valley as

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