Light Of Light Essay

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Light has three principal characteristics that affect plant growth: quantity, quality, and duration.
Light quantity refers to the intensity or concentration of sunlight and varies with the season of the year. The maximum is present in the summer and the minimum in winter. The more sunlight a plant receives (up to a point), the better capacity it has to produce plant food through photosynthesis. As the sunlight quantity decreases the photosynthetic process decreases. Light quantity can be decreased in a garden or greenhouse by using shade-cloth or shading paint above the plants. It can be increased by surrounding plants with white or reflective material or supplemental lights.
Light quality refers to the color or wavelength reaching the plant …show more content…

If temperatures are high and day length is long, cool-season crops such as broccoli and spinach will bolt rather than produce the desired flower. Temperatures that are too low or high for a warm-season crop will prevent fruit set. Temperatures that are too high for warm-season crops such as pepper or tomato can cause pollen to become inviable and not pollinate flowers. Adverse temperatures also cause stunted growth and poor quality. For example, the bitterness in lettuce is caused by high temperatures.
Sometimes temperatures are used in connection with day length to manipulate the flowering of plants. Chrysanthemums will flower for a longer period of time if daylight temperatures are 59°F (15°C). The Christmas cactus forms flowers as a result of short days and low temperatures. Temperatures alone also influence flowering. Daffodils are forced to flower by putting the bulbs in cold storage in October at 35° to 40°F (2° to 4°C). The cold temperatures allow the bulb to mature. The bulbs are transferred to the greenhouse in midwinter where growth begins. The flowers are then ready for cutting in 3 to 4

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