Lifeguard Essay

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Like most teenagers, I’m broke most of the time. So I took it upon myself to the thing my parents had preached to me since the age of 10 and “got a job”. I took a life guarding course and submitted my application to my city’s aquatic coordination office and landed a job at my own High School’s public pool. Getting the job was a huge accomplishment for me yet I found the experience as a lifeguard to be even more fruitful. What I learned in the American Red Cross is that there are two types of people when they are drowning. As a lifeguard I have witnessed, rescued, and performed the necessary first aid for each on multiple occasions. The first one, an active drowning victim, is fighting for his or her life with a formidable amount of passion. The other type of victim, a passive one, will quietly slip under the water with hardly a sound and often go unnoticed by lifeguards. …show more content…

A person can choose to be brave, and fight for themselves, without resigning themselves to their “fate”. While the opposite chooses to accept what life throws at them and expect someone else to do all the work, even if that means there lives will slowly end if no selfless bystander stepped in. As a strong believer of being the master of my ship, fate has never scared me. I choose to think the people who live their life in a passive state, one in which they go unnoticed, do not believe in themselves, or ever changing the world. These people are the true victims of life. We will all struggle as people and we will all need an aid every once in a while...but at least for those who care, who believe, who hope will recover and strive so that their legacy as righteous and amazing people will inspire others to follow the same track. I want to live my life as actively as possible. A person cannot be ensured, no matter what type of person, how much time they

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