Life Style Essay: How To Live A Healthy Lifestyle

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How to live a healthy lifestyle Health is wealth. Everyone wishes for a healthy family and a healthy mind but fails to have it there are many things that avoid you having a healthy lifestyle but here is a quick guide about how to live a happy lifestyle. We are living in s busy world where we do not get any time to think about us and improving our lifestyle. We miss breakfast, do not rest, do not spend time with family, do not take some time out for meditation or exercise etc. Work pressure and stress avoids us think about how to live a healthy life style. Here are some things that you can add to your daily life routine and notice how things get change in your life. Our food is the basic component that decides our health. It is a common myth that healthy food is not tasty and tasty food is not healthy. It is not true. I am not going to say that you should avoid junk food. You must enjoy your meal and eat only those things which you like to eat. Chicken is a healthy component of food, and chicken will remain chicken no matter how it is cooked. Why boiled chicken is ok but fried chicken with a bun is junk? One must think carefully about what is healthy and what not but in this article I am going to tell you about some common things that will tell you about how to have a healthy life style. You do not need to stop eating your favorite food or replace your food with the boiled food, vegetables and fruit. All you need to do is to make a few amendments in your kitchen. These changes are not going to affect the taste of the food but will make even junk food healthier. The changes you are required to do are: 1) Replace sugar with honey Replace your sugar pot with a honey bottle. You need to realize that honey and sugar both perform the s... ... middle of paper ... ...alk to them about your life, your routine and other plans. Make sure you share your feelings, fears and ideas to get your mind free of stress. The more you laugh with friends, the more you stay happy. Gather a lot of memories of things you dream of. These memories will help you keep yourself happy in the most unfortunate times. 7) Learn to get control on your nerves Yoga is the best thing that helps you get control over not only your mind but also on anger and temper. All the successful people are those who have good anger and emotion management skills. Getting control over your own mind and mood id=s how to live a happy lifestyle where nothing can make you depress for long. A little change in life style can help you maintain a healthy life. Healthy mind constitutes a healthy body so let’s make our mind and body healthy by implementing a little change for good.

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