Why I Want To Attend College Essay

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As we grow up, we are taught that after High School we have to attend college and earn a degree. Although graduating from a University and acquiring a degree will open more opportunities, it is not the only path that can be taken to become a successful individual. For graduates who feel that college is not for them, there is other available options including, starting a business, trade schools, military, or even becoming an artist. In this weeks Blog, as we interviewed our fellow students we found that each individual had their own game-plan and reasoning's behind the decisions and paths they plan on taking.

In Fall 2017, around 20.4 million students are expected to attend American colleges and universities, constituting an increase of about 5.1 million since Fall 2000. This proves, that although not all students chose the college route, there is still a dramatic increase in the amount of students attending a college/university after high school. Students who feel that college is for them and are motivated to study for 4 years or more, to earn a degree, chose to take advantage of the opportunity given to them. High school graduates who chose to go to college, know that all the stress from studying for exams and turning in 20-page essays will be worth it when they are employed. It has been proven that college graduates earn far …show more content…

The majority of these students tend to join a Trade School. This is an institution that teaches you job-specific information for the career you wish to pursue. Many also attend trade schools because the price of tuition is cheaper than your traditional schools, and the program is a lot shorter than if you were to receive a degree at a university. Overall trade schools, are perfect for graduates who wish to attain a well-paying, secure career without having to spend years, and most importantly thousands of dollars to attend a college or

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