Jace's Love and Conflict in City of Ashes

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The City of Ashes
Many characters in novels go through life changing experiences and change mentally and physically because of it. The City of Ashes takes place in present day New York. The novel is filled with forbidden attractions and magical life altering experiences. The author, Cassandra Clare, uses Jace Wayland as a flawless, dynamic character who unintentionally grasps readers’ hearts with his unwavering love for Clary Fray, with internal and external conflicts, and confidence driven by passion.
For instance, when Jace cannot seem to charm his way out of a conflict, he often finds himself in trouble. Jace is torn within because of his desires for his sister, Clary, when he is forced by the Seelie Queen to kiss her in order to release her from spending eternity in the Seelie Court. There is external conflict between Jace and the Seelie Queen because of her, forcing him to kiss his sister, which is frowned upon by the whole world. Jace experiences internal conflict …show more content…

Although, in a split second his confidence can be altered. The author states, “The ice in Jace’s chest turned into liquid fire; he clenched his hands at his sides as Simon took Clary gently by the arms.” Jace cannot stand the idea of Clary and Simon together. Although, he quickly gains his composure back when Clary looks hesitantly around the room trying to escape Simon. The look on Clary’s face gives relief for Jace’s fearful heart and allows him to surmise that Clary has not lost her faith in them. Jace’s belief in their clandestine relationship is inspirational to all readers. He is standing up for what he believes and is not backing down on his desires, even if the whole world is against him. This shows he is mentally and physically strong, capable of overcoming many situations. With this inner relief Jace has enough confidence to continue their relationship with only minor

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