Fifth Buisness

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Twice-born is the idea of a person changing into someone new or to develop further into who they should be. An easy way to change the character is by changing the character’s name. A name can resemble so much of who the character is. In the novel, Fifth Business written by Robertson Davies, there are three characters who are considered to be twice-born. These characters move from their small hometown of Deptford into bigger places in the world. The change of setting shows their growth and development. These characters are Paul Dempster, Percy Staunton, and Dunstan Ramsay.

Dunstable Ramsay has a significant meaning to his name because he is named after his mother’s maiden name. This signifies the control that his mother has over him. Dunstable as a child, growing up in the tiny town of Deptford, is knowledgeable and goes against the majority of the town. Dunstable always helps out Mary despite it giving him a bad nickname and making him become ostracized. He always took control of his actions and usually a majority of others which made him have a handful of guilt. Dunstable is always being told what to do and he has a heavy load on him as a child. He tries to please his mother and usually becomes a victim of her stern teaching. Dunstable starts to work at the library and he becomes interested in books that tells the story of the saints. He has a hard time finding out where he belongs in society and he finds him in the position of a misfit.

Percy Staunton is a rich, popular boy who is able to do whatever he pleases without consequences. He always has to be at the top of the social pyramid and is able to conquer anything by doing nothing. Percy is the one who threw the snowball at Mary but he never took any blame and even denied ...

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...someone who is respected and is watched upon by many. He becomes in control of his own circus and leaves everything in the town of Deptford behind. He does not hold on to any of the guilt that he had handed to him by his father but instead grows from all of it. He also chooses not to see his mother even though he knows she is not doing so well. Magnus becomes a completely different person from who he was as a child. The only thing that is remaining from him as a child was magic.

The characters in the novel are all twice-born because they wanted who they were in Deptford to disappear. Only of the characters were able to change who they were completely while the others just developed more into themselves as they grew. The idea of the twice-born is the idea of being able to change who you are and to completely move on from everything that has been holding you back.

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