Liberia Research Paper

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Liberia is full of historical tourist attractions that will amaze you. In the early 1430s to the 17th century Liberia served as a trading post for many colonial powers. The Liberian flag resembles the U.S. Flag so closely because the United States of America liberated the African Country from the colonial powers just after the turn of the 17th century. Liberia still contains its colonial charm. Besides Liberia's old cities it is also full of modern architecture, gorgeous nature outlooks, and beautiful beaches making for a must see travel destination. Yekepa Located just North of Liberia, it is home to an operating Mining company called Lamco. Although, Yekepa’s must see sight is Guesthouse Hill which is the highest point in the country. Nimba …show more content…

You can snorkel in the morning and then grab authentic Liberian cuisine for lunch. Harper A tourist attraction mixing historic sights along with beautiful beaches. There are many activities available on Harper’s beaches like scuba diving, swimming and surfing. It is a top destination to travel to in Liberia. Zwedru Nature enthusiasts will adore this destination due to it's wildlife and rain-forests. Sapo National Park The best nature reserve in the country. One who enjoys a trip to Zwedru with be further impressed with a trip to the Sapo National Park. This national park is special because there are certain animal species only found within this region. A few of the animals found exclusively in the area include the Giant Forest Frog, African Civet, Great Blue Turaco, Crocodiles, bee-eaters, leopards, kingfishers, and White Necked Rockfowl. Firestone Plantation One of the most valued historical sights within the city. This plantation is known for its very controversial history. Paynesville Omega Transmitter Located on one of the tallest buildings in Liberia. It is not very easy on the eyes but the fact that it is placed on top of a building that is over four hundred and seventeen meters high makes it worth

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