Liberia Civil War Essay

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Liberia is known for their natural resources and rich ethnic traditions. However, there is much more to Liberia than just this. For example, Liberia had two civil wars between 1989 and 2003. The civil wars were caused by the greed of men and resulted in total chaos of the country, millions of people displaced or killed, and the collapse of the Liberian government. The first civil war was started in 1980 as a political uprising caused by Samuel Doe who was a sergeant in the Liberian military. Doe staged a coup against the government and was led by William Tolbert. Over the next ten years, Doe took control of the government resulting in the government becoming corrupted, economic downfall and public upheaval. Also, Samuel Doe caused tribal violence by favoring his ethnic group, Krahn. Different ethnic groups created their own military forces to retaliate against Doe and his army which led to a nine-year civil war. The war began in 1989 and lasted until 1997. Around 600,000 people had been killed before the conflict was resolved when the United Nations and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) stepped in.
A supporter of Doe named Charles Taylor was charged with embezzlement and fled to the United States. He was later …show more content…

In 2012, the UN Security Council passed resolution 2066, which decrease the United Nations Mission in Liberia’s military strength. As of March 31, 2016, Liberia has 2,592 military personnel, 71 military observers. The Council also decided to increase the number of police units by 420, which bring the current number of police personnel to 1,795. There are also 196 UN Fatalities, 358 international civilian personnel, 801 local staff and 178 UN Volunteers. Over 35 countries providing Police personnel and over 30 countries providing UN peacekeepers Military personnel in Liberia. incentives for

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