Liberalism Vs Conservatism Essay

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A liberal is often described as a person who is liberal and can accept change. They are the opposite of conservatives, and are on the left wing of politics. A conservative is often seen as a person who favors traditional views and dislikes change. They are on the right wing of politics and prefer less regulation. They both have many contradictions between each other especially in the media, courts, and congress. In the Media some of the most liberal media would be considered The New Yorker, Slate and The Guardian. The Blaze, Glenn Beck Program and the Rush Limbaugh show are very popular Conservative media (Washington Post). In the Conservative media the article section almost always has a Faith section. Also the most popular topics are Business, the elections, and Faith. But, the liberal media has no Faith topics mentioned and has more topics that the Conservatives. They have sports, culture, food, and even fashion. The most popular topics in both of them are the elections and …show more content…

Republicans and democrats take part on major issues like gun control, immigration, gay rights and healthcare. A republican in a liberal on the right wing of politics. Their symbol is an elephant and their color is red. A democrat is a liberal on the left wing of politics. The donkey is their symbol and their color is blue. A democrat’s opinion on Gun control would be opposing to the right to carry a concealed weapon. A republican would oppose to the restricting laws and feel very strongly towards the second amendment. A democrat believes that gays have the right to marry and adopt children, but republicans believe marriage should be between a man and a woman and do not support them adopting. Republicans believe that abortion should be illegal and some are also against contraceptives. Democrats support abortion rights and aren’t against contraceptives (Democrat vs

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