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I have the timer in my hand, set for 30 minutes. I'm fiddling with it as I'm waiting for Alycia Debnam-Carey to walk through the door. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach, like any normal person would if they were going to meet their role model. I have decided to meet her at a small café just outside the city where it is calm and quiet. I'm going over the interview questions in my head just so I won't forget. Alycia has been an inspiration to me ever since I have seen her on the show The 100, where she plays a homosexual character named Lexa. Lexa lives in a time zone where sexuality, race, or gender does not play an extensive role in day-to-day life. Therefore, she does not have the need to be “accepted” by society. Alycia portrays this …show more content…

Even if it is my race or my size. I have always perceived that young girls should never be suppressed by society's standards. When I was growing up, the shows and movies I have watched mostly revolved around a male protagonists. Now, things are different. I have so many questions I want to ask, but I know I want to start by telling her how she has allowed my to embrace myself for who I am. I want to ask her how she feels about being the “spokeswoman” of a homosexual community, even though she is not homosexual herself. More and more questions are starting to flow through my mind. “Do you have any similar qualities to Lexa?” “In what way do you look up to Lexa?” “ Do you see yourself doing the same thing as Lexa if you were in a similar situation, such as putting your others you care for before yourself?” Then my questions get deeper. “ Have you ever been in a situation where you thought about what Lexa would do?” “Has playing Lexa ever given you an escape?” “Have you ever despised yourself for something and ended up accepting it?” I had so many questions and no time to write them down. Before I knew it, the door opened and there was Alycia smiling the most genuine

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