Zami: A New Spelling Of My Name By Audre Lorde

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Audre Lorde, a Caribbean- American writer has faced many struggles through her life, especially growing up in the 1950s as an African American lesbian. She takes the reader through the obstacles of her life and shares her feelings of isolation and longing in her biomythography Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. Kate Bornstein, an American author and playwright shares her personal experience of undergoing a sex change. She also discusses the gender system and problems she encountered being a transexual woman.
Throughout Zami: A New Spelling of My Name, The author Audre Lorde exposes the difficulties of growing up in a society that was racist and not accepting to her lifestyle. Lorde’s various relationships throughout her life have definitely played a role in shaping the individual she has become. Her mother was very sheltering trying to hide the racism going on around her. For example, her mother told her white people have a nasty habit of spitting into the wind meanwhile they are spitting directly onto Audre becuase of her color. With growing older comes Audre’s realization of how s...

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