Letter To Shylock From The Merchant Of Venice

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Letter to Shylock From Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice

Dear Father,

I have decided to write a letter to you to explain why I felt that it was

necessary for me to leave home. I would have liked to have actually

spoken to you in person but I did not feel that it was appropriate

because of our current relationship. I am aware that you may find the

contents of this letter very hard to accept. However, this letter is the

Only way of letting you know my feelings and the reasons for my

Actions. I also feel that you should respect my feelings and my

Reasons and try if possible to forgive me. I also hope that you will

Understand why I felt that it was necessary to steal from you …show more content…

However, given

Time and a lot of work on our relationship, I hope to earn your

Forgiveness and trust once more. I feel that I have a very strong

When asking for your forgiveness given the recent situation that arose

Between yourself and Antonio. I think that you were extremely lucky

And should take the opportunity to be given a second chance as you

Similarly were given a second chance.

I feel father that I owe you an explanation after stealing money

And jewels from you. It is the only thing that I truly regret about

Everything that has occurred. I knew right from the first moment that

The thought even crossed my mind to steal from you that it was

Completely and utterly wrong. However, I was so desperate to be

With Lorenzo that I felt at a entire loss as to how else I could obtain

Any money. Lorenzo had no money and all of my friends are Jewish

And I was deeply concerned that they would tell you of my plans to

Elope. I will reimburse you for all the money that I stole and I will

Endeavour to replace all of the

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