Characters and Relationships in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

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Characters and Relationships in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

The characters Antonio, the merchant of Venice, and Bassanio, his

friend who lives beyond his means, have already been introduced by

Shakespeare in the first scene. Here Bassanio has asked his friend to

lend him money so that he might woo the rich and beautiful Portia.

Antonio has expressed his willingness to lend the money but, as his

trading ships are all away at sea, he does not have funds readily

available. However, he comes up with a plan to seek out a loan

elsewhere so that Bassanio can borrow money in Antonio's name.

The third scene sees the two friends visiting a Jewish money lender

named Shylock. Bassanio has arrived first and has made preliminary

enquiries about the possibility of borrowing money. At the start of

the scene we first see the relationship between Shylock and Bassanio

is one of uncertainty. Bassanio is very cautious and tries to make

sure that Shylock understands exactly what he wants; their

conversation gives the impression that maybe they are working out

terms, though not in the same way that Shylock and Antonio do later.

Shylock states

"Antonio is a good man",

Bassanio instantly thinks he is insulting Antonio

"Have you heard any imputation to the contrary?" Act 1 scene 3 line 11

Almost as if to say "what are you trying to say". This implies that

Bassanio is not a trusting character, or least he is distrustful of


Shylock, agrees to loan Bassanio three -thousand ducats for a term of

three months. Bassanio assures Shylock that Antonio will guarantee the

loan, but Shylock is doubtful because Antonio's wealth ...

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...of this abuse, he is bitter and anxious to avenge himself for

past wrongs, real or imagined.

In contrast, Antonio is a wealthy merchant, rich and well known in

Venice. He seems to be a loyal friend to Bassanio for whom he is

willing to go against his principles and borrow money from a

moneylender. But there is a darker side to him; he has racially abused

the Jews simply because he can and his anti-Semitism makes him appear

a bully who is willing to be led by the law, whether or not it is a

bad law, rather than by his religion which preaches love thy


Bassanio is a bit of a 'good time guy' who has wasted his own money

and is prepared to marry a rich heiress for her fortune. He is also

willing to let Antonio borrow money on his behalf even though he is

suspicious of the terms offered by the moneylender.

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