Letter To A Funeral Parlor Short Story

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In the short story “Max” by Ron Carlson introduces the main character of the story Max, which is the pet of the Narrator and Cody, who are the owners of the dog. The intelligent , and strong nosed dog doesn’t seem like an well trained dog, but he knows his owner well enough to know how he feels about other people and their presence. Max is know as a crotch dog, a dog that sniffs and poke people’s crotch very swiftly and shapely. It may seem if though the dog isn 't well trained and doesn 't have proper manners, because of the fact that Max will sniff any stranger 's crotch rudely and aggressively. “He can ruin a cocktail party faster than running out of ice”, this isn 't a good and acceptable behavior that a well trained dog would do in this …show more content…

Her and the rest of the family was bothered by that word, because they aren’t used to hearing that word, and prefer the word “ashes” over the word “cremains”. “ We would know that these ashes are not like the ashes in a fireplace”, it’s obvious that they are very unfamiliar with the word “cremain”, which is very ironic to me, because in today’s society “cremains” is used a lot , especially if it deals with someone 's death. She said that the word was invented and sounded like a milk substitute, showing that she believed that the word “cremain” was conveying that her father was nothing more than a reduced piece of corps. That is why the family was so bothered by how the representative referred to the father, which is understandable considering that the father had just recently passed two days before the letter was written. Notice that the letter wasn’t directly about the representative who was the one who actually said the word “cremains”, but she blamed the funeral parlor for this unfamiliar word being brought up, even though this is her first run in with the word, because there aren’t many deaths happening in their family. She realizes that the representatives that are sent out to speak with the families are trained to say this word, so she blames the funeral …show more content…

Tilton is what you could literally call a short!! story. This is a very literal short story, and there wasn’t much of any figurative analysis at all. As Tom and Sam argue Tom says “you can not write a short story in just 55 words, you idiot!”, and the short story “ That Settles That” is literally only fifty five words. The title goes well with this particular short story, because it’s gets straight to the point, just like the story does. Sam ends up proving Tom wrong, because he actually does ends up writing a fifty five word essay, which is the one that we are reading now. It’s ironic that their argument actually contributed to the fifty five word short story. In the beginning of this fifty five word short story, it starts us off by describing Tom’s physical appearance, and personality traits and describes him as being drunk when he gets into arguments with Sam. Sam isn 't introduced in the story, he is really just thrown into the story as someone who is arguing with Tom, and ends up winning the argument obviously. This also shows the readers that there can be a fifty five word essay or paper that can be actually considered a short story. There are many people like Tom, and thought that you couldn 't write a short story in just fifty five words, this wasn 't only a literal shorty story, it could also have been an informative short

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