Letter Home from the Trenches- Creative Writing

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Dear Josephine,

I have not received any letters back from home today. In fact, now I

come to think of it, it’s been almost two weeks since I have received

anything from back home. Regardless, I still write back with high

optimism that my family receive some of my letters. I hope that my

mother and father are well. I dreamt about them last night. I could

see them sleeping and wishing me a safe trip home. It frightens me to

think I may die out here and them being totally oblivious still

wishing me a safe trip home.

Today is the day before we go over the top. I’m dreading it, dying or

making it through, either way it’s the thought of coming that close to

death, treading over the decaying bodies or passing the wounded on the

field of battle. Another terrifying thing is the step onto the creaky

mud splattered ladders in which many men before me have used to their

inevitable death. I cant help but think, why do we have to carry on

fighting? We have lost a tremendous amount of men. It has now become a

slugging match a...

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