I Hate Waking Up In A Brave New World

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I hate waking up every morning knowing that it could be my last day on Earth. Knowing that if I mess anything up or speak out of line that I can be deleted with a push of a button. The thought of my being a number in everyone’s eyes sickens me: it sickens everyone within the limits. But none of that matters. Nothing we feel matters to anyone as long as it doesn’t affect our daily training and work. About six years ago America fell in defeat from World War III. The enemy caught us with “our pants down” early on in the war and gained an early advantage. It was a big enough advantage that we couldn’t recover from, so when the bombs dropped, it was all over for America. Soon after, paratroopers dropped in and ran everything living down south, towards what once was Alabama. There they implanted these little chips into all of our skulls. These chips are used for watching everything going on in our lives. They also are used for the extermination of people that act out of line. …show more content…

We have no freedom. All we have is ourselves, and the few others that remember what the world was like before the war. Most people don’t remember what the world was like before World War III because of the radioactive bombs that fell from the sky and hit all of the large cities in the country. The radiation caused many people to forget their whole life before that moment of impact, grow extra limbs, and caused even more to die instantly from the blast. “Can you toss me that wrench?” Walter shouted across the shop to

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