Let's Move Campaign

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A class of first graders sit in dark blue, plastic chairs in a nicely built room. A wall, covered in construction paper cut outs, separates the first graders from a class of kindergarteners piecing together puzzles of tiny kittens, trains, and gardens. A statue of an elephant holding up ABC blocks is placed next to a radio, which hums Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. This sounds like a stereotypical school for younger children. If you re-read the above paragraph, you'll notice everything is centered around, or created by art; Who designed the plastic chairs? Who built the room? How did the first graders get creative when making paper cut outs of animals, and people, and whatever shape they could come up with for their wall? Who painted the picture …show more content…

There are many campaigns for kids to be healthier and exercise more, such as Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign. Usually jump roping, running, swimming, etc. is considered for these kind of campaigns and pledges to exercise and be healthier. Campaigns and programs try to incorporate fun ways for kids to exercise that won't make them feel pressured and stressed. What about dance? Why not use a fun, yet artistic way to play, like dance? If you think back to when you were in school, was there always a person picked last while picking teams for a game of kickball? The problem with using sports as a way to exercise is that they're competitive, create arguments, can make a person feel down by not being picked first for a team, and can often make a person injured. Dance isn't competitive and yet it's still a wonderful way to stay fit. It may be even better than sports at helping kids be healthy. In fact, the article written by Rebecca Lake called The Benefit of Dance For Kids, says that "The repetitive movements involved in dance can improve muscle tone, correct poor posture, increase balance and coordination and improve overall cardiovascular health." Dance of course improves flexibility, more than any other sport can, because in a regular ballet, or jazz, etc. class, the first thirty minutes, to an hour and thirty minutes is used to stretch every muscle. If a person took a dance class each day, they'd have stronger abs and hips, because of the almost constant lift of the legs, stronger ankles from releves, and stronger calves and thighs from petite and grande allegros. Have you ever heard the expression "Be happy, be healthy"? Happiness does bring healthiness, and vice versa. In fact, dance releases endorphins and serotonin, which makes a person exhilarated and happy, which leads to healthiness. If you watch a dancer, before and after class, the instant after dancing from anywhere from one to four hours, dancers often

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