Leonardo Da Vinci Essay

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The great Leonardo Da Vinci. There are many ways you can explain him. Leonardo was deservedly, one of the most famous painters to have ever lived. He was just such an impacting and dominant person in the Renaissance. He was involved, had his own ideas, was such a humanist, and is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person to have ever lived. Actually, Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath, a scientist, mathematician, inventor, engineer, anatomist, painter, sculptor, botanist, architect, writer and musician. Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath, a scientist, mathematician, inventor, engineer, anatomist, painter, sculptor, botanist, architect, writer, and musician. …show more content…

Leo will forever be remembered for all of his knowledge in all these subjects that weren’t yet advanced. He was way ahead of his time and had an incredible mind. He was an enthusiast at literally everything you could imagine. The Arts to Leonardo Da Vinci was like water. Leonardo Da Vinci’s major works included art, sketches, inventions, scientific statistics, etc. Some Examples of Leonardo’s sophisticated works were the Mona Lisa painting, The Last Supper, the helicopter, an airplane, scuba gear, and he even created his own technique that was used on most of his paintings including The Mona Lisa which blurred the woman’s facial expressions and around the eyes which makes it look pretty trippy. This was atmospheric perspective. This work so consistently fascinated people then and especially …show more content…

He was the father of the high renaissance. He perfected the art of prospective in all his paintings and this came to be a high point in his life. He was known for his fascinating art but he also dedicated time and contribution in the Science department. He engaged in projects like designs to reroute rivers, urban planning, the creation of pedestrian streets all to cut down on all the chaos around him. He did always like silence, didn’t he? Just kidding, you didn’t know that. He spent his final years working for the king of france and was said that Leo died n his arms. In France he worked on dissection. He was an artist but because of this he had an advantage to making the body parts more realistic and way more understandable. He was just great, right? Leonardo’s studies, formulas, and such reflected the renaissance as a time of the expansion of knowledge and renewed interest in learning. This is exactly why he was considered the “Renaissance man”, because he was into many fields of study and mastered several of

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