Len Bias: Documentary Analysis

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The short documentary of Len Bias was very interesting since the topic of drugs is very popular between my age group. It is so melancholy how a person could die one day to another regardless to the age group. “Lo único que tenemos seguro en esta vida es la muerte” is a spanish quote that reminds me of this topic. This quote means that the only thing that will happen for sures in life is death. Everyone is going to die in this life and no one can’t get away from it. It is misabreal how most young people feel secure of their life without fearing death. A big amount of youth make many mistakes in life such as doing drugs and drinking alcohol without fearing and taking in consideration the consequences. One mistake will not only change the person who committed the error but it will affect all it’s family. I am against …show more content…

When the ambulance got there it was to late his heart was still alive but his brain wasn't. He was considered a vegetable and had low possibilities of surviving. With the time he did not wake up and he had to be disconnected. Another similar story happened with a close friend from my family. He was also very young he was only 23 years old. He died in a car accident for being drunk. He did not die instantly but did died before he got helped because he lost a lot of blood and lost his legs. Other two young ladies I knew also died in a car accident but this time it was the other person's fault for being drunk. In this car accident one lady who had just finished her doctorate with a young teeneage of only 15 years old died. All thhis car accidents could've been prevented if the drunk drivers had took a better decision of not driving. They could of asked someone else to drive in order to get to their destination. In my opinion drugs and alcohol are never a good option for anything. Many might say I reduce my stress and depression by consuming alcohol and

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