Legally Blonde Hero's Journey

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The Blondest Hero’s Journey Legally Blonde was released in 2001 and was extremely successful. The movie didn’t just have some humor and inspiration, but it had an important message to tell people to follow their passion. The movie would not be able to pull this off if they hadn’t had the most important part, which was the Hero’s Journey. The story opens up with an envelope with the name ‘Elle’ written on the outside of it. We see it being signed and passed around between the well-manicured hands of the sisters of Delta Nu, a sorority at a California college. The envelope is slid under the door of Elle Woods, the president of Delta Nu, as she’s getting ready for her date. This isn’t just a regular date for Elle, but it is the night she will …show more content…

She responds with the most well known quote in the movie: “What, like it’s hard?” and continues on her way to class. Elle’s first class is with Professor Stromwell who is notorious for making people cry. Elle is unaware of this, and she walks into class only prepared with a fuzzy pen and a miniature notepad. Professor Stromwell begins the lecture and calls on Elle to answer a question about the reading assignment, and Elle responds by telling her that she was unaware of anything that needed to be prepared. Stromwell proceeds to ask another student, Vivian Kenzington, if Elle should be asked to leave the class since she is unprepared. Vivian agrees with her, and Elle leaves feeling discouraged and hurt. As Elle sits outside sighing loudly, a man named Emmett asked how her day was going and helped her out with her schedule and gave her advice on each of her professors. They made small talk until Warner came up to Elle to talk. Elle was feeling good about their encounter and was hopeful that she would be able to win him back. Vivian came up to her and Warner and introduced herself as Warner’s

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