Learn, dont feed

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Learn, don’t feed
Nowadays, students are being spoon fed information in the classroom instead of actually “learning”. Teachers, who should be inspiring students to be individuals and going out to seek and learn are instead basically giving students the information just to make it easier upon themselves. Although it may be easy now, in the future when the same students that have been fed information have to go out and actually learn and find information, they won’t be able to. Students are too reliant on teachers giving them information so they won’t have to do work. Students in this generation are being complacent in a “short-cut” society and take the easy way out in everything they possibly can.
In source C, William Blanche explains how people are being too dependent on others words instead of finding out themselves. He states “Critical thinking has become a lost art form filled with media’s attempt to persuade us to sidetrack our ability to come to a conclusion, based on the facts”. What Blanche is trying to explain is that people are looking for media to give them answers and explain news and situations instead of trying to find out themselves. Having help from media isn’t a bad thing, but completely depending on media is a bad thing. Using your brain to decipher information has become quite rare in this day and age and this can be related back to students in the classroom. Instead of trying to learn and go out and struggling to find information, students easily search on Google and click on the first link. They inhale all that information without thinking for a second if they should find out more information. Why? Because it is easy for them. By doing this, a student isn’t learning, but rather, they are simply regurgitating ...

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...as a shortcut is not a wise one for it may help a student in the present but not in the future.
Students try to take all possible short cuts they can to make school life easier on them. The short cuts they take may help them in the present but in the long run, they can have severe consequences. Students try too hard and spend too much time to find short cuts but if they spend that time actually educating themselves and studying the correct way, it will help them immensely. Short cuts don’t always lead you to the straight path because if you take a wrong short cut, you can easily go astray. Students need to understand that short cuts aren’t always the best way to work. In this generation, students are living in a “short-cut” society and try to find easy ways to do everything. These “easy” ways can have bad consequences and need to be avoided as much as possible.

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