Evaluating Leadership Practices: A Situational Theory Approach

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1. Evaluate three strengths of the current primary leader’s leadership practices using a scholarly leadership theory. The situational theory of leadership is based on the characteristics of the organizational followers and determining the appropriate leadership behavior. The theory has four standard specialist styles, organizing, supporting, educating, and entrusting. The style associated changes in perspective of the task and behaviors of the followers or employees. “The situational leadership theory suggests the difference between the successful and unsuccessful of the four leadership styles is the appropriateness of the leader's behavior to the particular situation in which it is used” (Waller, D, 1989) or the ability of the leader to change based on the needs of the follower or employee. The situational theory evaluates the aficionados by ability, duty, and advancement the pioneer changes the activity style to support the follower's ability to achieve the various leveled targets. The first fundamental nature of the Health Care Administrator of Texas Health Care Imaging is that he delegates endeavors easily. …show more content…

In the situational specialist style, the chairman must perceive their most basic assignments and requirements. The trough must evaluate the follower's ability and excitement to play out a specific endeavor, limit, or objective. Once these are settled the pioneer can change the situational specialist style to enlarge finish the association targets. Jonathan has good analytical skills as demonstrated by his mastery of the very complicated medical billing procedures. His extraordinary illustrative aptitudes ensure proper billing procedures for examinations and timely payment from government and insurance payers of which assure companies revenues target are

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