Leadership In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Leadership is required all the time on animal farm. The animals need to be lead by a certain animal or human or they don’t know what to do. The animals follow whatever the leader says to them. For example when Clover feels that one of the commandments says, no animal should kill another animal. Squealer says it really says that, “no animal should kill another animal without reason.” Clover listens and believes what squealer says instead of listening to herself. The first character I chose was Mr. Jones. I chose him as my first character, because he was the first leader on the animal farm. Mr. Jones became the first leader, because he was the owner of the farm and the animals. He was a very rude man, he would get drunk and end up never even feeding the animals. He made the animals work to hard and only gave them enough food so that they could survive and do his work for him. Did I mention that Mr. Jones was a human? But he wasn’t the worst leader of the animals on animal farm. …show more content…

He respected them and created commandments for the animals to follow. The commandments included things such as, no animal should ever wear clothes, sleep in a bed, or kill another animal. Others included, four legged animals good and anything that walks on two legs is an enemy, and last but not least the last commandment was that all animals are equal. Old major was the boar that started the idea of the animals starting the rebellion. He was a very friendly pig he treated all the other animals respectfully. Sadly before he could start the rebellion Old major passed away due to old

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