Laurie Halse Anderson Speak Summary

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In the book Speak written by Laurie Halse Anderson the main character, Melinda, faces a serious problem. She went to a party over summer where there was underage drinking going on, she called the cops. The classmates of hers got mad at her and she lost all her friends even though they didn't know the reason she really called the cops. Her problems are caused caused by two major conflicts, Man vs Self, and Man vs Man. Man vs Man is a conflict because she was raped at the party, we don't find this out until later in the book but when we find out it changes how you feel for Melinda. Man vs Self is another conflict because she would never tell anybody what actually happened, once she starts talking about it she doesn't have as hard of a time in school. The climax of the story is when rachel almost gets raped again in the old janitor's closet during prom. This is the …show more content…

This makes me think that the author was trying to give Melinda the “i dont care” alot attitude or she was trying to be funny. Most of the time though we only see Melinda's thoughts and she really doesn't talk to a lot of people The theme of this story is “speak”. To me that means that if something bad happens to you that you need to talk to somebody about it and not just bottle it up inside. When people don't know what happened they assume things and they'll take actions that may hurt you more because they don't know the truth because you never spoke about your problem. Personally i didn't like the book speak. It never really grabbed my interest and was just overall boring to me. The author tries to make you feel bad for Melinda because she was raped and didn't have the courage to tell anybody. Yes this is sad, but it doesn't draw me in to read more. I think she should've just said what happened and not been scared to talk about what happened so there would have not been a book for me to read about a pointless subject like

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