Laurence Steinberg Part Time Employment Essay

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Part Time Employment and Students Education There are a lot of theories when it comes to students and jobs. Many state that students do poorly and are distracted while others say it does nothing to students. There is a certain theory by Professor Laurence Steinberg in which he states its affecting students negatively. In “Part-Time Employment Undermines Students’ Commitment to School”, Professor Laurence Steinberg explains the conflict between school and work. Steinberg states that students who work during the school year tend to get lower grades in school than those who do not work. In my opinion, I feel as though his research may have had its mistakes because he only did the research on high school students’ instead of college students; doing the research on college students would of helped Steinberg get more a accurate result. When Steinberg was doing his research on high school students he had to use a variety of measurements in order to come to the conclusion that work effects school. “We compared the grades of students who work… with those who work in limited amounts or not at all.” (1). He also looked at how much time …show more content…

Not getting enough rest and feeling stress leads many students feeling very tired. Steinberg states “Teachers frequently complain about working students falling asleep in class.”(2), which would be caused by the lack of sleep. These issues can be solved by working fewer hours and fixing your school schedule to allow you to rest more. In conclusion, I don’t believe that Steinberg’s theory applies to college students. In order for his theory to be more accurate, Steinberg needs to study college students as well as high school students. Studying college students would give him a different and more accurate result which would show that work doesn’t always affect school

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