Land Management Essay

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On the planet Earth, there is a limited space upon which life may settle. This is one of many factors that creates what is regarded by scientists as a factor in the carrying capacity of a habitat, specifically the Earth. This world has much land that is available for human settlement. However, because the exponential rate at which the human population has gone, and because the excessive needs of some people who live excessively, we have quickly reached the point at which the Earth will no longer be able to support humans. However, regardless of this shortage of land in the United States of America there is an excess of land that remains unsettled completely by man. This land is referred to often as the frontier and remains for the most part empty in comparison to the remainder of the country. However, with all of this land in the country it is necessary to manage it and to ensure that it remains kempt and in watched over. This idea of land management is known mostly in the United States. It is not known to many other places in the world mostly because most other places do not have any land that can be managed. However, in the United States we have excess lands that have been designated as public lands. These lands are preserved and kept as natural as possible for the sake of nature and its processes. Some of these lands designations are national parks, nature preserves, and other national and state preservations. These lands are managed by both federal and state agencies and programs that are to the benefit and continuation of natural lands, and unlike other countries these places do not interfere with the habitats and lives of people.
The National Park Service (NPS) was founded August 15th, 1916. This service was founded to pro...

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... and we have begun to more understand the battle the attitude of the park administrators in relation to its purpose has changed. The new purpose behind the preservation of the Guilford Courthouse National Park is to allow for the full restoration of monuments and things in the park. Guilford Courthouse National Military Park (GCHNP) is also a very simple park. This National Military Park has minimal building and agricultural development. It is for the most part a place that is available for touring. It is maintained by the National Park Service.
Unlike the USA most other countries do not have the availability to set aside, create, and establish public lands. They do not have lands such as these because they do not have excess land that is not occupied. As a result they have no land to set aside and enable them to have national parks and other forms of public land.

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