Laissez-Faire During The Industrial Revolution

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Laissez-faire was a practice forced into place by businesses during the Industrial Revolution. It was put in place to keep businesses as free from government regulation as possible. However, it had many downsides. Due to Laissez-faire, peasants suffered horribly, wages were kept as low as possible and working conditions were never improved. However, I firmly believe Laissez-faire was an important, albeit horrendous, step in the industrial revolution. Without Laissez-faire, the Industrial Revolution never would of happened and we never would be living in the advanced, technological, world we call home. Before Laissez-faire, most products, especially textiles, were produced in Cottage Industries. In Cottage Industries, most products were produced …show more content…

It had many, many downsides, particularly with peasants and factory workers. Factory owners had little to no regulation on safety, minimum wages or working conditions. Thus, child labor was common, with some estimates placing the ratio of children to adults in excess of 7:40, a grossly unethical ratio. Children were mainly employed in mines and textile factories, because they could work in smaller tunnels and inside the working of looms. Children too small to work in the mines or looms usually became adult textile maker's assistants, and were beaten and abused, verbally and physically. Adults suffered greatly too, they often lived on-site and were often payed with “Chits”, or small tokens only redeemable at the local factory store, with much inflated prices. Similar to the medieval age, since people were not being payed in inherently valuable currencies, they were doomed to a life in the same factory, never being able to leave due to an economic prison. Improvements were never made, because better living conditions would mean expensive improvements. This, in conjunction with the fact that coal mining was a massive, albeit dangerous in many ways, industry, caused the life expectancy to drop sharply for the lower

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