Labor Unions In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath

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Labor Unions are not new to the world; in the past, they were simply known by many different names. For instance Guilds, a group of people that band together to protect their goods and services were predominant in medieval Europe and carried over into the American colonies in the eighteenth century. Labor strikes were also prominent in the Northeast, happening as early as the late sixteen hundreds (“A History”). However, labor unions were not as prevalent until after the Civil War when the National Labor Union and the Knights of Labor were founded to combat rapid industrialization. These unions slowly grew larger as conditions grew worse for workers across America. They were constantly held back by pro-business governments, like those of the Gilded Age, and the large corporations that would do anything to make a larger profit. In John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath the Joad family travels to California to escape the Dust Bowl and the stranglehold of large corporations. When they reach California they realize that the prospects in the West are not any better than …show more content…

From an article released shortly after The Grapes of Wrath was published, Frank J. Taylor writes that “the experiences of the Joad family… are not typical of those of the real migrants” (Hollister). Taylor also writes that “no migrant family hungers in California unless it is too proud to accept relief” (Hollister). This is a very different perspective from Steinbeck who writes that “groups of sodden men [go] out… to the towns, to the country stores, to the relief offices, to beg for food, to cringe and beg for food, to beg for relief, to try to steal, to lie” (Steinbeck 433). These two contradicting views raise the question of which side is telling the truth, most likely neither are exactly true so the reader must compromise and settle for the middle

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