Labor Unions Case Study

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Labor Unions have been around for since the 1750’s. A union is “ a legally constituted group of individuals working together to achieve shared, job- related goals, including higher pay and shorting working hours ( Denisi Griffin 2015)”. Labor unions work with the employees to get the rights that they believe they deserve. The three laws that impacted unions was the Wagner Act of 1935, the Taft-Hartly Act, passed in 1947 and the Landrum Griffin Act of 1959. The Wagner Act was passed to help put unions “on equal footing as managers for rights of employees” (Denisi, Griffin, pg. 246). This law help to set up National Labor Relations Act and helps to administrate union laws. The Taft-Hartly Act of 1947 was passed to “limit union practices ( Denisi, Griffin, pg. 247) “and it also outlawed “closed shop ( …show more content…

247)”, which is when a workplace only hires workers who are already in the union. At the time unions had too much power so they wanted to limit the power of the unions. The Landrum Griffin Act of 1959 was passed to “focus on eliminating various unethical, illegal, and undemocratic union practices” (Denisi, Griffin pg. 247). This law was passed to make sure that unions had fair playing field with other company’s and the all unethical behavior was stopped. The history of these laws have shaped how unions are run today. During our class labor negotiation my team was on the union side of the negotiation. When making our decisions about each topic we looked at what the union side wanted and what the management side wanted. My team decided that it was best to shoot high and if the management side did not like this then we would aim to at least get the market average. My team pretty much agreed on everything. Lorenzo and David were our chief negotiator and

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