Labeling Theory

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The development of the theories associated to the nature of deviance were necessary in explaining the human condition with regards to the functions and mechanism of the human mind and how it is affected by society itself and vice versa. Sociologist proposed different theories to explain this phenomenon, specifically Symbolic interactionist and Functionalist perspectives. Further, these theories investigated the individual and how societal groups influence a person 's behavior and state of mind that gives rise to deviant actions. Symbolic interactionist Edwin Sutherland developed the idea of differential association. This theory states that individuals develop attitudes, behavior, and motives through the interaction and association with a It is the view that when a person is labeled as "deviant," it leads to the individual engaging in deviant behaviors. Howard Becker provided the foundations of labeling theory and explains why an individual 's behavior can oppose with the norms society has established. For instance, consider a teen living in an urban area that is most well-known for gangs. As a result, society will label this teenage as a member of the gang. According to the labeling theory, this individual can perhaps begin to obtain characteristics and follow actions similar to a gang member and would ultimately make him one. In other words, a person carrying a label will be incorporated in the individual 's own Both symbolic interactionist and functionalist have their respective ways of explaining the cause of deviance. On one hand, symbolic interactionist tried to explain this phenomenon through the basic principle that an individual 's actions are dependent on their situation that varies depending upon one 's culture and surroundings which include the differential association theory, control theory, and labeling theory. On the other hand, in the functionalist perspective, they see that society as one system and is composed of interrelated parts. They argued that deviance is an element of society and fulfils specific functions in society. As shown in the strain theory, the existence of deviance allows for the establishment of cultural goal and institutionalize means that results in the operation of

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