Knowledge Acquisition Is Not Sequential Essay

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Homework 1: Individual Assignment

1. What is meant by “knowledge acquisition is not sequential”? Provide a concrete example of knowledge acquisition that illustrates this.
Answer: We tend to acquire and re-use knowledge to solve the complex real-life problems. We undergo a thought process, analyze and act in a certain way to arrive at a solution to the identified problem. Also, the way we apply theories and concepts to various problems varies from person to person and each individual has his own way of thinking and applying knowledge. It often happens that a sequential model may not always address all the forces that influence our model, as these forces are not universal as well as accurate for all the processes. For example, a firm considering to expand their …show more content…

What is the difference between a task and an activity?
Answer: In real-world business applications, business processes for ease of implementation are decomposed into several activities and each of such activities are further decomposed into number of tasks depending on the level of their complexities and interdependencies. Each activity has a predefined goal and functionality. To accomplish an activity, a complex activity can be decomposed into several numbers of tasks, whereas a task cannot be decomposed further. However, such tasks can be accomplished in multiple steps.
6. A passenger aircraft is composed of several millions of individual parts and requires thousands of persons to assemble. A four-lane highway bridge is another example of complexity. The first version of Word for Windows, a word processor released by Microsoft in November 1989, required 55 person-years, resulted into 249,000 lines of source code, and was delivered 4 years late. Aircraft and highway bridges are usually delivered on time and below budget, whereas software is often not. Discuss what are, in your opinion, the differences between developing an aircraft, a bridge, and a word processor, which would cause this

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