King Tut's Death Research Paper

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Why did King Tut die and why did he die so young? He probably was killed by Horemheb, the highest deputy army general. Tut could have been killed by him while chariot riding, and then Ankensnamen was killed by him as well. There are many mysteries surrounding King Tut's death. King Tut probably died from chariot racing with Horemheb. While Tut and Horemheb were racing, Horemheb purposely cut in front of Tut while racing and caused King Tut to be thrown off of it. After being thrown off, Tut got a concussion and lie there on the ground. With the horses not knowing what to do, they stepped on King Tut and causing him to do accidentally die. After his death, Horemheb ran away to tell Ankensnamen that King Tut fell …show more content…

On the other hand, Horemheb also might have killed Ankensnamen. He killed her when she was married to Aye. Then he also might as well have killed Aye because both of them had access to the military, so that was his chance to kill Aye. A reason why he might have killed Ankensnamen is because he did not want Aye to keep the younger Ankensnamen as his wife. She was young enough to have children who would ascend the throne. Horemheb erased King Tut's and Akenaten's name from their tombs. He also erased Aye's name from his tomb. That is probably the reason why he killed all 3 of them. Horemheb wanted to erase them from history and so no one knows about them. In order to be king, Horemheb only wanted people to see him and his name in history. There are also other theories saying that King Tut was killed by someone else. Other researchers believe that Ankensnamen could have killed King Tut as well.Knowing that she managed to know and send a letter to the Hittite King, tells us something new about Ankensnamen. She, herself, could have been a hittite. Hittites are Egypt's worst enemies, and knowing that Ankensnamen was a hittite, means that she might have killed her

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