Research Paper On King Alfred The Great

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King Alfred The Great in many ways was considered to be one of the greatest rulers of England. He was best known for establishing peace with the Vikings and building the kingdom of England. Alfred was the only english leader to be called “ The Great”. He founded the britsih army and navy in 890 AD. In his defeat of the Danes at Ashdown and Rochester and The battle of Edington which made him Alfred was born in the village of Wanting, now Wantage Oxfordshire. He was the youngest of five kids. In 853 AD at the age of four Alfred was sent to Rome, where he was anointed by Pope Leo IV. Around 858 AD Alfred's father Ethelwulf died and alfred's eldest brother Aethelbald took over as king. In 865 AD Danish Vikings tried to take over Alfred's kingdom Wessex, but it didn't work out. By 870 AD, king Ethelred, Alfreds brother and Alfred himself fought many battles with the Danes. That same year in 870 AD Alfred fought with the Vikings. The Danish Vikings conquered all the Anglo Saxon cities except Wessex. Alfred became his brother Ethelred second command and on January 8th, 871 AD Alfred defeated the Danes at the Battle of Ashdown in Berkshire. Alfred's brother king Ethelred died in battle so Alfred gained a victory over the Danes at Ashdown and was …show more content…

Alfred and his army used a tactic known as a Shield Wall which shields were placed side by side and through small cracks of the shield wall. The battle lasted most all day and the Danes got worn out. The Danes were chased by Alfred and his army were they were trapped in a castle and were starved for 14 days. After 14 days the Danes gave up and wanted peace. Alfred defeated the Danes and he encouraged settlement of the towns. Alfred's come back and victory of Edington secured the survival of

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