Kill Or Cure: An Illustrated History Of Medical Science

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According to the CDC, the number of visits to the hospital is 136 million a year. Many Americans visit the hospital but never really appreciate how medical science evolved through the years. Medical science is one of the most important aspect in human history. Yet Some American’s lack the knowledge, and schools do not stress upon students to have a much better understanding on how medical science has improved. If schools have a creditable program for college, then more Americans will have interest in medical school and more contribution would be put towards increasing the technology. Many Americans know more about their founding fathers, but not those who discovered life saving technologies. If it wasn't for past doctors and scientist, …show more content…

Because of anesthetics, people do not have to go through an unbearable procedure. Many soldiers in the American Revolution and Civil War would have probably desired anesthesia during a decapitation of an arm or leg. Before anasthtics, people had to bite down on a stick and/or drink alcohol. Many people do not acknowledge those who develop Anesthesia. Anesthesia had along process of numerous types of experiments, and most were either a fail or success. In the book, Kill or Cure: An Illustrated History of Medicine by Steve Parker, he states that the first couple discoveries include in 1660s where Thomas Sydenham, who combined opium, alcohol, and other ingredients to produce laudanum. Laudanum achieved pain relief; However, the drug was addicting. In addition, German scientist Valerius Cordus discovered how to make “ether” from ethanol and sulfuric acid in the 1540s. Dentist William Morton’s was the first use ether. He demonstrated at the Massachets General Hostpital. Before ether, People had their teeth extracted without any pain relievers. They had to sustain the pain or they will have to live with a toothache. In 1830, German Pharmacist Moldenhawer produced chloroform. In 1853, under Dr. Snow’s supervision, Queen Victoria of England took chloroform for the birth of her son Leopold, and four years later, for her daughter Beatrice. Queen Victoria had great reviews of chloroform, and she took it for almost every child she had. Queen Victoria had said "chloroform was a blessing to have". Many people began to love anesthesia because it was either the drug or go through pain that will not allow the doctor to do his/her job. Back in the US, ether faded as chloroform became the favored drug. However, chloroform had dangerous sometimes fatal side effects, so by the early 20th century, chloroform was replaced. Since then new, safer, and more effective general anesthetics including ethyl chloride 1903, ethylene 1920s,

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