Evolutionary Theory In Biomedical Science

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Discuss the relevance of Evolutionary theory in Biomedical Science. Evolution is still nevertheless one of the most largely discussed topics in modern society. The theory of evolution was first proposed by Charles Darwin (1990) and is described as process by which all biotic creatures have developed and advanced from primitive organisms through changes occurring over time. The relevance of this fundamental theory is witnessed throughout the many disciplines of the pathology department in subject area biomedical science. Biomedical science consists of seven major disciplines; haematology, transfusion science, clinical chemistry, histology, virology, cytology, immunology and medical microbiology. However, significance of evolutionary theory had a drastic impact on mostly haematology and some virology. This branch of biomedical science has a significant effect on the society of the modern world. The science of haematology significantly influences the understanding of several diseases due to the nature of the blood. This is clearly visible during identification of diseases such as leukaemia, anaemia and abnormalities of blood coagulation that are completed through haematological tests. Some of the haematological tests done in biomedical science industry include of Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH), Karyotype Test and Serum Ferritin. The study of structure, function and pathological disorders in blood is called “Haematology”. Blood consists of 55% plasma and 45% blood cells. Plasma is a mixture of 7% protein, 91% water and 2% other solutes. The types of proteins present in blood are albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen. Other remaining solutes consist of ions, nutrients, gases and respiratory substances and waste products. On th... ... middle of paper ... ...A as means of precaution and confirmation whether the pancreas are performing in standard conditions. Also, the following tests are ordered to conclude if pancreatic enzyme supplementation is required. However, individuals with blood type B Moreover, another molecule present in blood that fights foreign substances is antibodies. The structure of antibodies consists of four polypeptide chains. Two identical heavy chains and two identical short chains and arranged in a three structural unit also known as Y shaped molecule. Thus the vital discovery of the varieties and similarities of the blood groups provided a possible gateway for many other medical procedures in this 21st century through biomedical science. For example, blood transfusions have become a routine procedure. Consequently, many other medical practises such as surgery, blood banks, and transplants.

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