Kill La Kill Research Paper

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Kill La Kill is more than just fan service but instead, message about fascism and the risk of wearable technology. Kill La Kill is an anime that aired last fall in japan and was produced by Trigger. Kill La Kill is an anime that is full of fan service, fan service is used mostly in anime and manga and is usually female characters that are in skimpy, skin-tight clothing that are overly sexualized and are very degrading to women. Kill La Kill starts out with the main character Ryuko Matoi that has just arrived at Honnouji Academy in search for her father’s killer. The academy is controlled by Student Council and is led by Lady Satsuki the antagonist of this great anime. Fascism is a theme that shows up right away in the series, in the first scene is a history class talking about fascism. What is fascism? Fascism is where the state is …show more content…

In one of his videos Rugnetta talks about how there may be deeper message with in Kill La Kill that is warning us of about the risk that could come from wearable technology. Will Society be able to merge technology as it intended without leading into some kind of disaster. Will society be able to find a balance between wearing and being worn? Rugnetta brings to light that people have a very narrow concept of technology. For something to be called technology, does it have to be a computer? Not necessarily, Rugnetta goes to define technology as “the total set of applied knowledge that we use to accomplish things”. As said above life fibers are living organism that feed off their host, in return increase the host physical and mental abilities. The life fibers are not computers, but they are still considered as technology because they are applied knowledge that allows its user to behave more effectively. trying not to spoil Kill La Kill for you, the life fibers that makes Matoi, Lady Satsuki, and the student council so powerful ends up almost destroy the earth and society as we know

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