Excerpt From 'All Quiet On The Western Front'

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Vordie Mathis World Civ 2 Reaction Paper Source 8.1 -8.4 The Battle of Somme is marked as one of the deadliest wars we had in world war 1. The article we were presented in source 8.1 is written by Phil Gibbs an English journalist who got to see the warhead on from the side of the French and British spectrum. The war consisted of the french and British armies take on the German empire. The war had over 60,000 casualties the first day with a mass number 1.5 million deaths at the end of the war. Seeing the inside of the war from Philip Gibbs perspective really gave us a more emotional connection to the story due to the vivid and graphic scene, he set up for us such as the ending when he quotes “They were silent, grave-eyed men who marched through the streets of French and Belgian towns to be entrained for the Somme front, for they had forebodings of the fate before them. (Excerpt From: “Sources of World History.” iBooks. ) . Next, in section 8.2 we transition into a perspective from the German side in the “All Quiet on the Western Front (1929) Erich Maria Remarque Excerpt From: “Sources of World History.” iBooks. This book is written from the perspective of someone that went to war and it showed the destruction of what happen with this man during his life and it goes through the story about his life Benito Mussolini is the creator of fascism and in this article he is going through the details of what fascism consist of and what I gather from the article is that he wants to transition from nation + state to nation =state and what that means is that everything goes through the state and nothing is separated from it including descriptions and law making on things such as war .Source 8.4 we are presented Eichmann in Jerusalem and this is an article of Eichmann who in my opinion sounds brainwash to the law. He is unable to speak what he really believes everything the government's stands

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