Keys To Nursing Success Chapter 3.1 Summary

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Learning Summary Chapter 3 1. What were some interesting details of the reading? Every time in real life, when people make decisions, either important or not, they all make them based on their personal values. Academic integrity, which is related to ethical values, refers a commitment to 5 values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Setting and achieving goals (long-term and short-term) are the process of knowing what you want and getting what you want. Time management is a crucial strategy for personal goals achievement. It is common that college students encounter stress in their academic life, and the stress can be positive or negative based on how students react to it. (Summarized from Keys to Nursing Success chapter …show more content…

Because of the constantly changing of one’s values, it is essential for one to reevaluate the values to see if they make sense or not. Values vary in people from different cultures. It is very important to understand your own culture first if you try to understand others’. When you set your goals, you need to set your long-term goals first then short-term goals. You need to arrange your goals in the order of importance based on your values, your personal situation, and your time commitment. If you want to achieve the goals you have set, you have to manage your time effectively. For example, you need to establish your schedule using scheduling techniques, such as to-do list, monthly calendars, and downtimes. Stress can affect you positively or negatively. Coping with stress is very important for your success. (Summarized from Keys to Nursing Success chapter …show more content…

What opinion do you have about what you read? What I read from this chapter really helps me a lot. I found out my problems in the time management. I have a lot of stress for school. Now I know my stress is caused by the problem of my time management as the book said. 6. Give one personal, one academic, and a nursing/clinical well-chosen example from real life experiences or actual instances that support your understanding of the reading. Example 1 (personal): I have stress in my life due to the work and school issue and my busy schedule. I felt anxious sometimes. I try to exercise and think positively to deal with my stress. It works somehow. Example 2 (academic I realized my stress since last semester in my nursing process class. Now I know that I have the habit of procrastination because of perfectionism. Example 3 (clinical): short-term goals and long-term goals are the essential part of the patient care plan in clinical setting. 7. What 2 changes are you going to make because of the concepts in this chapter? 1). I will try to fight procrastination: I will get started whether or not I feel like doing it. 2). I will drop off some burdens of my life to relieve the stress I

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