Key Elements Of Heroes And Villains

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This essay will be identifying the key elements of an effective hero and villain. I will argue that all heroes are psychologically the same and how they haven't truly changed since the time of Greek heroes such as Hercules and Prometheus. In addition, I will be arguing that villains also have psychological similarities, even if they have some qualities typical of heroes. These ideas will be in relation to Joseph Campbell mainly but will also relate to theorists like Otto Rank, Jung and Freud. The essay will prove that heroes and villains are all the same even if they appear diverse towards stereotypes. Throughout the essay, I will identify key elements that creates these character images such as choices in associated colours, bodily imperfections and personalities. By the end of …show more content…

Phrenology establishes that you have to be ugly in order to embody your ugly inside. Nevertheless, this does’t always define a villain’s effectiveness. Villains can still be good looking and evil now, showing that they are trying to move away from stereotypes. Nevertheless, the good-looking villain could now be argued to be a stereotype (Walter Lippmann 1922). Other stereotypes that can be applied as effective identifiers of who the hero and villain are the clothes they were. With the Lady Galadriel and Hela, both played by Cate Blanchett in their movie adaptations, they wear white and black, representing their purity or their darkness and corruption. Another representation that they also have is what they wear on their heads. Lady Galadriel wears an elegant crown, that is curved and silver with white diamonds whereas in contrast, Hela wears a crown like helmet that is spiked and black, making it weapon like and dangerous. Are these stereotypes something that we stay familiar with because change is such a shock, or is it because of the idea that all things made by man will be the same, or

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